Sunday, June 10, 2012

Glendale 6/10/12

I tried painting smaller this time... seems like the initial block-in goes faster, so I get to play around with the color a little more.  Anyway, I had fun!


Wayne B. Medina said...

Looks really good man! clever using the quarter too!!!...can I have it?? haha hope everything is cool with you man

Arthur Loftis said...

haha, thanks man! I was just throwing in my two cents. And then some.

chengwhich said...

great stuff Arthur! i need to come out for one of these eventually!

Arthur Loftis said...

thanks man! we'd love to have you!

Connie Jaio Wong said...

nice Arthur! props to you for keeping up the great work every week!

Arthur Loftis said...

thanks Connie! you gotta come out with us sometime!